SuperSugoi’s Terms and Conditions

  1. On the use of this site
  2. Guarantees and Reliability
  3. Limits of usage
  4. Links to other sites
  5. Ideological content
  6. Comment policy
  7. Erros, mistakes, corrections and doubts
  8. Partnership
  9. Changes in Terms of Use
  10. Property
  1. On the use of this site

    To use and navigate this site, you are automatically accepting all conditions of use elaborated on this page. If you do not agree with our ethics in any aspect, you should not make use and participate in the SuperSugoi. top

  2. Guarantees and Reliability

    Although we strive to ensure that the content on this site is accurate, this same content is provided “as is” and SuperSugoi provides no guarantee that the information found here will be accurate, complete, or believable. While the content here is provided in good faith, we also do not guarantee that the information will always be updated, will always be true and not misleading, or that this site will always be available to use.

    We also do not guarantee that the servers that keep this site will always be free of viruses, errors or bugs, and you must acknowledge that it is your responsibility to take steps to protect yourselves from these types of threats. It is recommended that all files are scanned beforehand. top

  3. Limits of usage

    The materials contained in this site, including text and images, are copyright protected under the Creative Commons policy. All the content available here is under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Brazil; and, by those terms, the content should not be copied, reproduced, published and modified for any commercial purposes, without attribution to the author and without attribution to the same regulatory term.

    No part of this site should be copied and distributed for any commercial purposes or for profit.

    Similarly, the content disclosed on this website does not have any commercial or lucrative purpose and all text that is alien will be properly attributed to its origin or its author(s). top

  4. Links to other sites

    Links to other sites and content are made available here for the convenience of users and for the correct attribution of rights. We are unable to provide any guarantee in relation to the accuracy and completeness of data from these sites, or in the reliability and effectiveness of any products provided by external sites. A link to such sites does not mean that we agree or support its policy, information or contents. top

  5. Ideological content

    FWe make clear that any possible ideological content is result and property of subjectivity and opinion of our authors. Any biased or highly argumentative posts are simply the author’s intellectual property in a unique way, i.e., itwill never attempt to persuade and deter the user of their own beliefs. top

  6. Comment policy

    Comments can be moderated: before they appear on the site, all comments will be read and evaluated. All comments in accordance to the recommendations below should be accepted, except those that may have been blocked by anti-spam, as explained on our FAQ.

    The author of the comments are responsible for its content. At any time, SuperSugoi administrators may delete comments for any reason. The comments should not contain:

    • banners, advertisements for other Web sites;
    • isolated links in comment advertising blogs;
    • spam from other blogs, accompanied only by comments suck as “thanks”, “great article …”, “nice post” among others;
    • pornographic, racist or offensive material or that include children under 18 years, also including swearing, profanity uses as means of offense;
    • libelous, disparaging or defamatory statements;
    • political propaganda to candidates, parties or coalitions;
    • an oppressive ideology or propaganda that can be interpreted as such.
      information concerning software piracy;
    • offer any type of product for sale, search for advertisers and sponsors and banners of any kind;
    • defamation, abuse, stalking, threats or otherwise violation of third parties’ rights parties;
    • publications, posts, uploads, distribution or dissemination of any topic, name, material or information that encourage discrimination, hate or violence against a person or a group because of their race, religion or nationality.

    If the comments contain anything related to the topics above, they may be deleted. top

  7. Errors, mistakes, corrections and doubts

    If you find anything wrong with a post, you can always contact us about it. Well answer you ASAP. top

  8. Partnership is open to partnership. If you would like to be a partner, please, fill in our contact form to talk directly to our administrators. top

  9. Changes in the Terms of Use

    The SuperSugoi administration reserves the right to modify or amend this page as necessary. The changes will have validity at the time of posting and will take effect even if the users are unaware of the changes. top

  10. Property, the image of the yellow cat and associated images (including, but not limited to, fonts, icons, characters and comics) are properties of the administrators of this site, Maruki and her husband. top