But Maruki, you have way too many cast-off figures… Aren’t you a girl?
Oh, BTW, if you are under 18, you’d better don’t see this post.
Indeed. Although I am not a fan of hentai figures per se – mainly because there is none that actually grabs my attention – I have my share of cast-off figures: Super Sonico, Leviathan, Plug, Miku MSP ver. … But I don’t have them because they are cast-off, I have them because of the character; and those characters happen to be made into cast-off figures.
In fact, I think that the cast-off feature makes them even more interesting for me because there are more details to be seen. And I am really curious about how breasts and genitals were sculpted. So far, I had no disappointments.
Elyse is my newest acquisition. She is the lesser devil from the manga Oretama – and although the series is yet to have an anime adaptation – WAVE made a scale figure of her.

I’ve read the manga and enjoyed every bit of it. I know it is outright ecchi harem, but I couldn’t help myself to laugh and be entertained by the situations the lame hero – Kohta Satou – was put through. It is tragic, but it is hillarious. And Elyse is the demon responsible for taking care of this hero.
While reading the manga, I got quite enchanted by her, not only for her sexyness, but also for her personality. I think she is a good character. When I discovered she had a figure, I had to have it.
The figure, as expected, is quite difficult to find. Released in 2009, only 35 users own her at MFC and no one intends to sell her.
I found one item at Plamoya, for 55 USD. I was Lucky. She is up for 72 USD now.
She is made by WAVE, so you can’t expect quality. Her face, at least, pleased me very much.
And faces, imo, are one of the biggest issues for figure sculpting for me. I can’t buy a figure if the face is messed up. That is one of the top priorities. I am not exceptionally found of her bangs, but I see they tried to depict her as she appears in the manga.
Her position clearly shows that she is a potential leaner, although it is rather suited to her personality.

The details in her outfit were well made and carefully painted.

The sanding could have been done better. Looking carefully, I can see some irregularities in her thighs and arms.
The colours are adequate to what I expect given the manga illustrations. However, I think mine came defective: her right leg has a different color from her left leg. And the surface feels different as well. I think that, maybe, they forgot to finish the paint job in this leg.

As for the cast-off part: you can take her top. It comes out similarly to a bra. Her breasts were nicely sculpted, and her nipples seems realistic enough.

All in all, it was worth the Money and the wait. For a 55 USD 2009 figure, I am quite happy. Definitely a valuable addition to my collection.